This morning i dreamt about a group of locals heading for a cruise ship. And they were obviously recruiting me to join their journey, but suddenly i remembered my mothers teaching which was to never do something that you never initially intended to do. Then i seized back watching them go.
Dreams of cruise ships often symbolize smooth sailing through life, relaxation, and leisure. You being recruited by the locals implies that you may have opportunities to experience these luxuries in life, or that you are seeking such pleasurable experiences. The fact that you remembered your mother's teaching shows that you may be considering or have been presented with an opportunity, but you are mindful and cautious about the decisions you make. The dream could be a reflection of your current state of mind where you are weighing your options and considering the consequences of your actions. This dream suggests that you are wise to consider the advice of those who have shaped your thinking and that it is essential to be mindful of your choices before committing to any course of action.